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10 Super-Easy Ways to Make Your Flyer Stand Out From The Crowd

A common mistake made by the majority of business out there is focusing entirely on online marketing and forgetting the tried-and-tested, old-school methods. Using flyers to market and advertise your business is one of those methods. With their cheap costs, focused targeting and potential to stand out, this method of advertising should only be ignored at your own risk.

Pro Tip - Don’t ignore print quality. Good design is half the battle. Bad quality flyer printing will ruin all your efforts


However, it takes a lot of effort to stand out from the crowd. I will tell you about a few techniques that I always follow to ensure that my flyer gets noticed.

1. A snazzy headline - The first thing that our eyes scan is the headline. And you don’t want to turn off your potential clients with a boring one. Make sure to include words such as “Save”, “Free”, “How to”, “Proven” to enhance your headlines.

2.Make it colorful - Color gets noticed. Trust me, no one likes to see a black-and-white flyer. However, don’t go overboard. Stick to a particular color scheme. And use images. Stunning visuals are always better than blocks of text.

3.Offer a special deal - Everybody wants a discount. Why would anyone be interested in your flyer if you don’t give them something special. It is human psychology to be drawn to sales and discounts. This method will keep your flyer out of the dustbin.

4.KISS (Keep it simple, stupid) - In hopes of standing out, don’t make things too complicated. Stick to easy-to-read typefaces, align everything properly, use lists instead of paragraphs and provide a catchy statement.

5.Include a call to action - Studies have shown that a well-positioned call to action can result in massive increase in sales. Encourage the reader with statements like “call now” or “visit” .

6.ALWAYS proofread - Make sure that your flyer is free of any grammatical and spelling mistakes. Such mistakes hurt the credibility of your company. Don’t ignore this simple yet highly effective step.

7.A friendly approach - Try to use a friendly and natural tone to attract customers and make your business seem approachable.

8.Sweet and Short - Avoid putting a lot of information onto one page - It can be overwhelming and your flyer might end up in the trash. Just mention the proper contact details/venue along with a catchy line. Avoid jargon.

9.Use Testimonials and Reviews - Your chances of getting a new customer highly increase when they read a positive review about you. Why not give them what they want? A testimonial develops trust and establishes you as a genuine business.

10.Add creativity to distribution - Though this method is not directly related to flyers, it is rather important. Will putting flyers under the windshields of parked cars work? Or will it end up being torn apart. Distribute your flyers to people who look bored or are waiting for someone at the mall.

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